Package: ivs

ivs: Interval Vectors

Provides a library for generic interval manipulations using a new interval vector class. Capabilities include: locating various kinds of relationships between two interval vectors, merging overlaps within a single interval vector, splitting an interval vector on its overlapping endpoints, and applying set theoretical operations on interval vectors. Many of the operations in this package were inspired by James Allen's interval algebra, Allen (1983) <doi:10.1145/182.358434>.

Authors:Davis Vaughan [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]

ivs.pdf |ivs.html
ivs/json (API)

# Install ivs in R:
install.packages('ivs', repos = c('', ''))

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Introduction to ivs

Rendered fromivs.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 14 2024.

Last update: 2023-03-17
Started: 2022-04-01

Stack Overflow Examples

Rendered fromexamples.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 14 2024.

Last update: 2023-03-01
Started: 2022-04-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Count relations from Allen's Interval Algebraallen-relation-count iv_count_relates
Detect relations from Allen's Interval Algebraallen-relation-detect iv_relates
Pairwise detect relations from Allen's Interval Algebraallen-relation-detect-pairwise iv_pairwise_relates
Locate relations from Allen's Interval Algebraallen-relation-locate iv_locate_relates
Is 'x' an iv?is_iv
Create an interval vectoriv iv_pairs
Align after locating relationshipsiv_align
Diff a vector to create an interval vectoriv_diff
Pairwise spaniv_pairwise_span
Access the start or end of an interval vectoriv-accessors iv_end iv_start
Containersiv-containers iv_containers iv_identify_container iv_identify_containers iv_locate_containers
Proxy and restoreiv-genericity iv_proxy iv_restore
Group overlapping intervalsiv-groups iv_groups iv_identify_group iv_locate_groups
Pairwise set operationsiv-set-pairwise iv_pairwise_set_complement iv_pairwise_set_difference iv_pairwise_set_intersect iv_pairwise_set_symmetric_difference iv_pairwise_set_union
Set operationsiv-sets iv_set_complement iv_set_difference iv_set_intersect iv_set_symmetric_difference iv_set_union
Splitsiv-splits iv_identify_splits iv_locate_splits iv_splits
Construct a new ivnew_iv
Count relationships between two ivsiv_count_follows iv_count_overlaps iv_count_precedes relation-count
Detect a relationship between two ivsiv_follows iv_overlaps iv_precedes relation-detect
Pairwise detect a relationship between two ivsiv_pairwise_follows iv_pairwise_overlaps iv_pairwise_precedes relation-detect-pairwise
Locate relationships between two ivsiv_locate_follows iv_locate_overlaps iv_locate_precedes relation-locate
Count relationships between a vector and an iviv_count_between iv_count_includes vector-count
Detect relationships between a vector and an iviv_between iv_includes vector-detect
Pairwise detect relationships between a vector and an iviv_pairwise_between iv_pairwise_includes vector-detect-pairwise
Locate relationships between a vector and an iviv_locate_between iv_locate_includes vector-locate